Incredibly useful instructable from reibuehl:
Like so many others, I recently faced the issue of a broken SD card slot on my Raspberry Pi B. A thin piece of the top of the brittle SD card slot broke off, making the slot unusable since it could not press the SD card onto the contacts anymore.
In addition to what has already been said here, it could be a wear issue. If your SD card is very near to it’s limit of capacity, there is little space available to spread the built-in wear leveling algorithm to. The constant writes to the filesys.
I checked for solutions and found this Instructable but I couldn’t find a suitable replacement SD card slot for a reasonable price, so I came up with the idea of using an Adafruit Low-profile microSD card adapter as a “slot” since I had one readily available.
Low-profile microSD card adapter for Raspberry Pi: Make your Pi a little slimmer with this microSD card adapter board. It slides in where the SD card goes but is half the length. Pop in a microSD card for a sleeker machine. The microSD card holder is a push-push type so you can push on the edge that sticks out to remove the card when necessary. (Read more)
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